How’s your herd doing?

Welcome to Leading Rein, where we provide workshops + retreats to help professionals develop personal, interpersonal and relationship skills. We facilitate on-site and off-site offerings, but our speciality lies in the arena; Working alongside horses to create a safe, unbiased environment ripe for growth and discovery.

‘Time For YOU’ In Tasmania

A Retreat For Busy Women Who Need A Break

May 23rd - 26th, 2024

  • " Leading Rein programmes are a great experience and help develop positive attitudes."

    Darya - LR Participant

  • "I loved being coached into the process from the sit-down, to the talk, then being trusted to take the reins shortly after."

    Michelle - LR Participant

  • " I would strongly recommend this unique experience to all individuals and groups, from team members to leaders. It's an opportunity to invest in yourself, take time out, build confidence, resilience and leadership skills, all while shedding hang ups and having fun"

    Em - LR Participant

  • "Beautiful facilitation Melissa, you are an absolute inspiration."

    Jennifer - LR Participant

  • "Instructions were clear and open and I loved the way we were encouraged to have conversations."

    Jacinda - LR Participant

  • "Your approach to facilitation exceeded my expectations. It was an instant click and I felt comfortable being vulnerable, shedding old and learning new ways."

    Emma- LR Retreat Participant